
Explore our comprehensive range of financial products!

  • Icon 40+ Mutual Fund AMCs
  • Icon 50+ PMS/AIF Managers
  • Icon 100+ Bonds
  • Icon 50+ Pre-IPO Equity Stocks

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Equity Mutual Funds
Debt Mutual funds
Equity PMS
Unlisted Equity
Corporate FDs

PMS is a professional financial service in which skilled, qualified & experienced fund managers & professionals manage equity or debt portfolios to achieve specific objectives. As per SEBI regulation, the minimum investment ticket for investing in PMS is Rs. 50 lakhs.


Alternate Investment Funds are funds established in India as a privately pooled investment vehicle to collect funds from sophisticated investors. AIFs invest in listed & unlisted asset classes but are more focused on investing in instruments other than asset classes such as equity & debt. The minimum investment required is 1crores!


A debt bond is a type of investment where you lend money to a company or government in exchange for regular interest payments and return of the principal amount for a specific period.


Unlisted shares are private equity shares that are not listed on any stock exchange. They are owned by a smaller group of investors, including founders, early-stage investors & employees. They are not traded publicly but are bought and sold in the over-the-counter market. Additionally, they are not subject to the same regulatory requirements & obligations. By investing in unlisted, investors get greater control & influence over the company.


Corporate FD is a term deposit which is held over fixed period at fixed rates of interest. Company Fixed Deposits are offered by Financial and Non-Banking financial companies (NBFCs). The maturities of various company fixed deposits can range from a few months to a few years.


P2P or Peer-to-peer lending platforms source borrowers & investors on the platform. Both these parties are then directly connected. Each platform will have its own set of rates & terms, which both the investor & borrower need to accept before making any transaction.

. P2P
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